object Form2: TForm2 Left = 320 Top = 115 Width = 464 Height = 406 HorzScrollBar.Visible = False VertScrollBar.Visible = False BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] Caption = 'VF for Windows 95 - Help' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] Icon.Data = {} Menu = MainMenu1 Position = poScreenCenter Scaled = False OnResize = FormResize PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object Button1: TButton Left = 376 Top = 328 Width = 73 Height = 25 Cancel = True Caption = '&Close' Default = True TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Left = 296 Top = 328 Width = 73 Height = 25 Caption = 'E&xit' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Exit2Click end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 3 Top = 6 Width = 449 Height = 25 Caption = 'VF - Very Fast Access To Any Folder On Any Drive - VF' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -19 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 40 Width = 457 Height = 281 Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [] Lines.Strings = ( ' VF for Windows 95 (and NT 4.0) v1.2 by Gisle Bjoerneseth' ' (Registration: US $10, see below for details)' '' 'VF for Windows 95 is a fully 32 bit MultiThreading Windows appli' + 'cation' 'that will make your day a little bit easier. Instead of filling ' + 'your' 'desktop with loads of windows while you'#39're looking to open a spe' + 'cific' 'folder or directory, just run VF and the folder "magically" appe' + 'ars,' 'instantly. VF for Windows 95 is easy to use, just follow the onl' + 'ine' 'directions. Remember you must scan your drives in order for VF t' + 'o work.' '' '************' 'So, what'#39's new in this version ??' '' 'Well, first of all the code is completely rewritten ,it is now' 'fully 32 bit, multithreading, supports long filenames and has' 'fewer bugs. Actually the old version (1.01) also supported long' 'filenames, is was just the scanning procedure that didn'#39't. Since' 'it is a multithreading application, it does *NOT* lock' 'up the computer anymore when performing heavy disk tasks.' '' 'Other new features in this version are: The possibility to open' 'folders with the explorers filemanager-like option, the drop dow' + 'n' 'list with the six most recent opened folders, some command line' 'parameters(see below for details), the possibility to put VF in ' + 'your' 'system tray and let it scan your disks at regular intervals and ' + 'also' 'give you easier access to it'#39's functions(see below for details),' 'and at last the nag screen is gone because I trust you to regis' + 'ter' 'your version without having to remind you. This version of VF Wi' + 'n will' 'also run excellently under Windows NT 4.0 (New Shell).' '' '************' 'Installing:' '' 'Just copy the executable (vfwin.exe) into your windows directory' 'or wherever you like, and create a shortcut to it. Preferrably o' + 'n' 'your desktop or somewhere in your start menu for easy access.' 'Giving it a shorcut key-combination will also speed things up.' 'VFwin will leave two files in your Windows directory.The first i' + 's' 'VFWIN.DAT which is the file containing the directory structure o' + 'f' 'your disks, the other is a small file named VFWIN.INI. To uninst' + 'all' 'VFwin, just delete these three files: vfwin.exe, vfwin.dat and v' + 'fwin.ini.' '' 'VF does *NOT* change anything in your registry or configuration' 'files, and it will NOT start operating on it'#39's own unless you wa' + 'nt' 'it to (Diskscanning etc..)' '' '************' 'Installing under Windows NT 4.0' '' 'Same procedure as for Windows 95. If you are using both Windows ' + '95 and' 'Windows NT 4.0, the VFWIN.EXE cannot be placed in the Windows 95' + ' ' 'directory.' 'You can use the same copy of VFWIN in both configurations, but f' + 'or it' 'to work, you cannot place it in either of the Windows directorie' + 's. Make' 'a new directory and run it from there.' '' '' '************' 'Opening an folder:' '' 'Select the "Open folder" radiobutton (selected by default),type' 'in the folder name, or part of the foldername in the textbox,' 'and press start. This will open the first folder found in the .D' + 'AT' 'file that matches the text you typed in. If you have several fol' + 'ders' 'with similar names, just press start again, and you'#39'll open the ' + 'next' 'folder found in the .DAT file with a matching name, and so on.. ' + 'Typing' 'enough of the foldername to make it unique, makes access faster.' 'The last six successful entries you made in the textbox will rem' + 'ain' 'in the drop down menu for easy access. If you want to use the ex' + 'plorer'#39's' 'filemanager like viewing of the folder and it'#39's contents, click ' + 'the' 'checkbox marked '#39'Use Explorer when opening'#39'.' '' '************' 'Finding files or folders:' '' 'Select the '#39'Find File'#39' radiobutton, and type in the name of the ' + 'file' 'you are looking for and press start. You can use wildcards such' 'as myfile*.* . You will then be presented with a new window' 'containg all the files found matching the search string. By doub' + 'le' 'clicking the desired file or foldername, you can either open the' 'folder which the file is located in,explore it or run the file w' + 'ith' 'Win95'#39's associated viewer, or all three if you like. If it is a ' + 'text' 'file (*.txt), the default viewer will probably be notepad, and t' + 'he' 'file will be opened with it. If it is an .exe file, win95 will r' + 'eact' 'by running the program, etc .... If there is no associated viewe' + 'r' 'configured, nothing at all will happen.' '' 'Note that the file find-option uses VFWIN.DAT.' 'Also note that VF will find every single file on your system,' 'regardless of attributes. Which means if you enter '#39'*.*'#39' as the' 'filemask, you'#39'll end up with ALL your files, including drive' 'labels, the '#39'.'#39' and '#39'..'#39' directories, in short EVERYTHING.' '' '' '************' 'Total free space:' '' 'By checking (or doubleclicking)the radiobutton marked '#39'Total fre' + 'e space'#39',' 'VF will report back the total amount of free space on all your d' + 'rives.' 'Removable,CDROM and network drives will not be calculated into t' + 'he total.' '' '' '************' 'Scanning your disks:' '' 'Scanning your disks means that VF creates a list of all the' 'folders/directories in a datafile it uses for locating folders.' '' 'To scan directory structures of your disk, select the desired' 'method and press start. Use '#39'Scan drives except'#39' if you have' 'drives you'#39're not interested in using with VF, Ex: your CDROM,' 'Removable drive, Network drive or whatever.' 'If you have a disk that you want to scan without rescanning the' 'others, use the '#39'scan and append'#39' option. It will then append th' + 'e' 'specified drive to the VFWIN.DAT file.' '' 'Scanning your disks will leave a datafile named VFWIN.DAT in' 'your windows directory. I found it practical and much faster to' 'use a datafile instead of scanning the disks every single time I' 'wanted to open a folder. Besides, in these days quite a few' 'Windows users have a multi drive system, and searching who' 'knows how many drives each time for a folder, would take ages.' 'Hence the .DAT file. You can use multiple drive letters in' 'the '#39'Scan all drives except'#39' option. The order of the drive lett' + 'ers' 'are not important. In the '#39'Scan drive and append you can only' 'enter one drive letter. You can also scan your drives by startin' + 'g' 'VF with the commandline parameters specified below, or scan your' 'drives at regular intervals from the system tray. Just follow th' + 'e' 'online help.' '' '************' 'Tray instead of exit:' '' '' 'This has the same effect as adding the commandline parameter' #39'TRAY'#39' when starting VFwin (ex:from your startup group).' '' 'The SYSTEM TRAY is the little box(bevel) located far right on yo' + 'ur' 'taskbar where you usually can see the clock and maybe some other' + ' small icons.' '' 'If you mark the tray instead of exit, VF will place itself in th' + 'e' 'system tray instead of exiting on all calls to exit.' 'The main function of VF when it is in the system tray, is to sca' + 'n your' 'drives at regular intervals, but you can also then access the di' + 'fferent' 'functions of VF by right clicking the VF icon in the tray. Left ' + 'clicking' 'the icon will bring up the VF main screen, left clicking again w' + 'ill hide' 'the main screen.' '' 'The first time you check the '#39'Tray instead of exit'#39' checkbox end' + ' then' 'press the exit button, you will be presented with an autoscan se' + 'tup screen.' 'This setup function can also be accessed via right clicking the ' + 'icon' 'in the and selecting '#39'Setup scan parameters'#39'. There is online he' + 'lp.' '' 'Each time you bring VF to life from the system tray, the '#39'tray i' + 'nstead' 'of exit'#39' chechbox will still be checked, so pressing '#39'Exit'#39' will' + ' not' 'totally exit VF but leave it in the tray. To exit VF completely ' + 'uncheck' 'the '#39'tray instead of exit'#39' checkbox and exit as usual. (See also' + ' the' 'section about commandline parameters on how to add VFwin to your' + ' startup' 'folder)' '' '' '************' 'Command Line Parameters:' '' 'VF for Windows 95 recognizes the following' 'commandline parameters:' '' 'VFWIN SCANALL' '--- VF scans all your disks and exits' '' 'VFWIN SCANEXCEPT [drive letters]' '--- VF scans all drive except the ones specified.' '' 'VFWIN TRAY' '--- Leave VF active in the system tray to automatically scan you' + 'r' 'drives at chosen intervals.' '' '' 'SCANALL and SCANEXCEPT:' '' 'The other commandline parameters SCANALL and SCANEXCEPT can be u' + 'seful' 'if you want to '#39'halfautomate'#39' the scanning of you drives too kee' + 'p the' '.DAT file updated. You can add VF Win to the Startup group so th' + 'at it' 'scans your drives each time you start your computer in Windows, ' + 'or you' 'can for example add VF to the System agent included in the Win95' + ' Plus+' 'Pack. You will hardly notice VF scanning your drives, as it is a' + ' low' 'priority process. All you will see is an icon appearing on the t' + 'askbar.' '' 'Leaving VF Win 95 active in the SYSTEM TRAY:' '' 'If you add an shortcut to VF in your startup group with the' 'commandline parameter '#39'TRAY'#39' added to the shortcut'#39's commandline' + ',' 'VF will start up when you start your computer, and run hidden(se' + 'e below' 'for details on how to make a shortcut to VFWIN in you startup fo' + 'lder).' 'All you will see is an icon in your system tray indicating that ' + 'VFwin' 'is alive. Left clicking this icon will bring VFwin up on you scr' + 'een,' 'and right clicking will present you with a menu where you can ac' + 'cess' 'the different VFwin functions like '#39'DiskFree'#39', '#39'Open VF win95'#39',' #39'ScanNOW!!'#39', '#39'Help'#39', '#39'Setup Scan parameters'#39' (for setting up the' 'automatic disk scan . See also online help for the VF scansetup ' + 'window).' 'Two other functions on the VFwin tray menu are '#39'Restart Computer' + #39' and' #39'Shutdown Computer'#39'. Need these more explanation ? Except that t' + 'hey operate' 'through Windows 95 System calls so that all unsaved data will be' + ' saved' 'before reboot or shutdown (These do NOT work under Windows NT 4.' + '0).' '' 'When VFwin is active in the system tray, your disks are automati' + 'cally' 'scanned at intervals preset by you. This is a low priority threa' + 'ded' 'process so your machine will *NOT* lock up during the scanning. ' + 'You' 'will hardly notice. The scanning will slow down and use less sys' + 'tem' 'resources if you perform other operations at the same time.' '' 'Adding VFWIN to your STARTUP folder:' '' 'To add VFWIN to your STARTUP folder there are several methods.' 'One method is to open the folder containing the VFWIN.EXE execut' + 'able file,' 'and drag and drop it to the STARTUP folder, located in the START' + ' Menu under' 'PROGRAMS. To access this folder, right click the Win95 START but' + 'ton and ' 'open' 'it, or rightclick the taskbar end choose PROPERTIES, PROGRAMS ON' + ' START ' 'MENU and' 'at last ADVANCED.' '' 'Another method is to follow the above directions for opening the' + ' STARTUP ' 'folder' 'then right click inside the window and select NEW SHORTCUT.' 'When you have come this far in creating the shortcut, you simply' + ' rightclick the' 'new shortcut in the STARTUP folder and select PROPERTIES then SH' + 'ORTCUT. ' 'There' 'you will see the path to the VFWIN executable file (ex: c:\windo' + 'ws\vfwin.exe)' 'in the TARGET/commandline textbox. All you have to do now is to ' + 'add '#39'TRAY'#39' ' 'right' 'behind VFWIN.EXE, only separated by a space (ex: c:\windows\vfwi' + 'n.exe tray) in' 'the described textbox. That'#39's it ! The next time you now start y' + 'our computer, ' 'VFWIN' 'will start automatically and place itself in the system tray, an' + 'd automatically' 'scan your drives to keep the VF directorylist up to date.' '' '' '************' 'Registration info:' '' 'This Utility is shareware, and written by Gisle Bjoerneseth 1995' + '.' '' 'Address : Svartskaervn 10., 6017 AALESUND, NORWAY.' 'Internet mail : stinger@sn.no or sting@mix.hive.no' 'Web Page : http://mix.hive.no/~sting' '' 'The latest version of both VF for Windows 95 and VF for dos, can' 'be found at my web page' '' 'http://mix.hive.no/~sting.' '' 'To register please send US $10 to me on above address. Send the ' + 'money' 'preferrably as an INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER. You can also send i' + 't in ' 'CASH.' 'DO NOT SEND CHECKS, as they cost more than $10 to exchange into ' + 'cash.' '' 'Remember to send me your name and address, email adress and othe' + 'r' 'things necessary for me to reach you. Add US $2 (NKr. 10) for di' + 'skette' 'and mailing costs if you want it by mail. The alternative is to ' + 'receive' 'it through e-mail.' '' 'You will then receive the REGISTERED latest version along with' 'the latest unregistered version of VF for Dos, and also have the' + ' right' 'to REGISTERED updated versions when they are ready. If you have ' + 'no' 'possibility to receive NEW versions by E-MAIL, you will have to ' + 'send' 'US $2 for postage and diskette each time.' '' 'Please support by registering your versions of VF.' '' '************' '' '') ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 3 end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Left = 32 object ddd1: TMenuItem Caption = '&File' ShortCut = 0 object Exit1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Close' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = Exit1Click end object Exit2: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = Exit2Click end end object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = About1Click end end end